
Showing posts from October 20, 2011

The Grace Filled Waiting Room

I t is the same schedule for us every Tuesday at the same time. We head out into the city for good and perfect gift's O.T. appointment. He really enjoys going there. His O.T. is just a wonderful young Lady who has a passion to helping these Gifts Of Grace. Good and perfect gift has made friends with a little boy there. We live to far apart for them to schedule playdates together. Good and perfect gift always looks in the parking lot to see if the Grandfather's truck is there. When He sees it He smiles with delight, He knows He will get to have some play time with new friend! We go upto the glass door and good and perfect gift pulls with all His might to open this heavy door. "Wonderful Job"!, I tell Him as He pulls it all the way open. I tell Him too of how His muscles are looking just like His Daddy's and if He keeps this up His muscles will be bigger than His Daddy's someday. He smiles a young giddy smile.            ...