Go Ahead And Put His Light In Your Lantern

M y good and perfect gift and I sat around our table yesterday making a surprise for Sweet Hubby when he returned home to us. We are trying to find ways to enter Christ into the Halloween celebration. I'm still confused as to if we as believers should celebrate this day. We have not come to any conclusions as to this yet. We decided to make a Jesus-O- Lantern! This was not our idea but one handed to us. We attempted our first pumpkin carving together. My first pumpkin I have ever carved. The pressure is really on because Good and perfect gift already has in His mind as to how this is supposed to look. He has aready seen one. He is expecting ours to look the same. We have pumkin that he picked from the pumpkin patch. It is so much smaller that the pumpkin he has seen. I will have to really work to get all the features on this little light shiner. This is a picture of the one he saw. As you can see for a mother's first time of carving a pumpkin, the pressure is mounted reall...