When Hard Phone Calls Come And Keep Coming

I t came on your ordinary day. Nothing felt out of order just your ordinary day. It was my Mother-In-Law on the other end telling her oldest that her doctor had found lung cancer. To what extent we don't know yet. She finds out the results next week. I saw my husbands face drop and wet warm tears began swelling his eyes. The one who holds you all those tiny years and nurtures you to be the man you are to be has lung cancer. I see him pray with her, I to hold his hand and bow low asking for our Daddy to bring her comfort and healing. I to ask for comfort for my husband for my Daddy to fold His arms around his heart. So we wait to hear the results in our Daddy's waiting room. Three weeks later I get a phone call from my Father. My Mom has been in and out of the hospital for the last two weeks battling with her sodium and ammonia levels. She has a disease that is attacking her liver. Her own body is fighting against her liver. The doctor's had said she was not a good candi...