No Happy Plastic people Here! The Sacrifice Of Your Secret Places

e gather together the 5 of us at a very tasty place to eat. We bow and give thanks for husbands watching children, bringing us together in unity for fellowship with one another and for our meal. This our first time together outside of our family small group. The thing that happened next was just the most wonderful thing I have ever experienced among women. Each one of them uncovered and shared humbly the broken pieces of their lives. I thought I was the only one who did this. Me I wear my feelings outward, not turned inward. I have learned over the years in my walk with Christ that in order to heal and to sharpen another, one must be willing to open themselves up to others. I just did not know that there were other women who felt the same way. I have been in groups with other women and within each group there was this common thread. Each of them wore this "Happy plastic face" . ...