The Sweet Fellowship Of Christ Sisters
We meet at Starbucks. It has been a while since we last talked. She has walked my path. She has children who have some of the same gifts as good and perfect gift. She is older and wiser than I. I should have brought pen and notebook to take notes on the wisdom she would pass along for today.

I'm not a coffee drinker so I just sit and soak up all of her godly wisdom. That will be my "caffeine" for the day. God will use this Christ sister to urge me on today as caffeine does for others. This, This wisdom will be what keeps me on the road to persevere in my life journey with Him who set me free. To press on as a Wife and Mother.

She tells me of God's wisdom. She shares her story of what worked with her children and what did not. She shares ideas. She directs me to His word over and over. She tells me of her mistakes and failures as a Mom. She sings of how His grace is bigger than any failure or mistake. She encourages and loves on, and holds me with her eyes. She listens and cares. Really cares. She allows me to talk without being condemned. She speaks life into my weary soul. She is truly like meeting with Jesus. As if I were metting him as face to face as a man with his friend. There is no gossip that comes from her. There is no husband bashing. There is only Love and care and concern. There is only compassion, mercy and grace. How refreshing. How He refreshes!

She was sent into my life as an instrument of God to help pull me up out of the deep pit I had dug myself into. She who shared with me 1,000 Gifts and the list that would completely change me. I'm so thankful for this Christ Sister. I share with her how she had been that instrument. I shared with her that because of her obedience to our Father that I was now walking in freedom from the bondage of my weighted chains. Freedom from a pit of despair. Freedom from bitterness toward God, toward good and perfect gift. Freedom from bitterness toward my sweet hubby. I am Free!! Because he set me free!

He reached down and broke my chains that I had put on myself only a year ago. The message of the cross is simply this. Jesus came to set the captives free!! Wether you are not a believer and are in need of his rescue or maybe you have been a believer for a long time and like me you dug a spiritual pit for yourself. There is freedom today for you. Allow yourself to be rescued by the only one who CAN rescue. Jesus Christ. What a season to be rescued! The season that he came as a helpless little baby. Who would have thought that this babe would grow up as a tender shoot and rescue those who were in need of being rescued. This is the reason he was sent. To Rescue my soul, your soul, the souls of everyone in the world. I look forward to his coming as this tiny babe with more excitement this year. We have printed off Ann Voskamp's Jesse Tree Advent Family Devotional. We read it as a family, cut our ornament out , mount it and pull a ribbon through the hole for our tree.
I'm not a coffee drinker so I just sit and soak up all of her godly wisdom. That will be my "caffeine" for the day. God will use this Christ sister to urge me on today as caffeine does for others. This, This wisdom will be what keeps me on the road to persevere in my life journey with Him who set me free. To press on as a Wife and Mother.
She tells me of God's wisdom. She shares her story of what worked with her children and what did not. She shares ideas. She directs me to His word over and over. She tells me of her mistakes and failures as a Mom. She sings of how His grace is bigger than any failure or mistake. She encourages and loves on, and holds me with her eyes. She listens and cares. Really cares. She allows me to talk without being condemned. She speaks life into my weary soul. She is truly like meeting with Jesus. As if I were metting him as face to face as a man with his friend. There is no gossip that comes from her. There is no husband bashing. There is only Love and care and concern. There is only compassion, mercy and grace. How refreshing. How He refreshes!
She was sent into my life as an instrument of God to help pull me up out of the deep pit I had dug myself into. She who shared with me 1,000 Gifts and the list that would completely change me. I'm so thankful for this Christ Sister. I share with her how she had been that instrument. I shared with her that because of her obedience to our Father that I was now walking in freedom from the bondage of my weighted chains. Freedom from a pit of despair. Freedom from bitterness toward God, toward good and perfect gift. Freedom from bitterness toward my sweet hubby. I am Free!! Because he set me free!
He reached down and broke my chains that I had put on myself only a year ago. The message of the cross is simply this. Jesus came to set the captives free!! Wether you are not a believer and are in need of his rescue or maybe you have been a believer for a long time and like me you dug a spiritual pit for yourself. There is freedom today for you. Allow yourself to be rescued by the only one who CAN rescue. Jesus Christ. What a season to be rescued! The season that he came as a helpless little baby. Who would have thought that this babe would grow up as a tender shoot and rescue those who were in need of being rescued. This is the reason he was sent. To Rescue my soul, your soul, the souls of everyone in the world. I look forward to his coming as this tiny babe with more excitement this year. We have printed off Ann Voskamp's Jesse Tree Advent Family Devotional. We read it as a family, cut our ornament out , mount it and pull a ribbon through the hole for our tree.
How I long and look forward to his coing all over again someday when he comes back for those whom he has recued.
Lord Jesus, How excited I am for your birthday. I know the presents we bought you this year will be used to further your kingdom work. Thank you for coming to rescue me. Thank you for coming to rescue the entire world. May you use me this advent season to proclaim your coming and rescuing. In Jesus name, His holy, mighty and perfect and wonderful name. Amen.
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