The Victory Of God On Christmas
Just in case you might not be able to make it out it says Eucharisteo. I shout it in my spirit! This is a reminder or me . I need this word to stay in the forefront of my mind. After we open gifts. We get ready for church. Ready ourselves to worship the Christ Child! The Rescuer! We step outside the house to get into our vehicle. It has been heated up and the hard frost is melting and all I see is water droplets all over that is radisting with His glory. They make it hard to look at because they are so bright!
Melted here is the heart of my hubby. God came to his heart to melt away the resistance and give him an invitation to open up his Inn and receive the New Born King. Even the trees seem to be full of worship today. The sky is crisp blue.
The tree branches seem to stretching ther braches higher than normal today. The sun seems to be the brightest that I have seen this year. It blionds the eyes. I have to turn away from the camera and pray that God would give me a clear shot.
We pull into the parking lot of our church home and I'm all giddy inside to worship the babe! I stop, pause to tell sweet hubby Thank You for taking our family to church this morning. It means so much to me to worship the sweet babe on his birthday in my inn. He smiles. I give God all praise and glory for the victory he has had today. We enter and we worship at the inn on Christmas.
Father, please let me never forget the importance of moving myslef out of your way to do your migty work. Thank you for helping me to be quiet,to let you do what you do best. Miracles! Not just on Christmas but today too! Thank you for the Christ Child and for the inn that had room for him this morning.
Unwrapping more of HIS grace gifts:
1,579. Worshipping the New Born King on His birthday at church.
1,580. The compliment from an unknown lady at church this morning about my son's behavior at a playdate.
1,581. Good and perfect gift practicing forgiveness when I'm not around.
1,582. Being able to give God the gift of me on His Babe's birthday.
1,583. How the bright yellow orb in the sky shines so brilliantly through melted ice droplets that it nearly blinds.
1,584. Seeing the naked trees of winter seemingly to worship with their branches reaching upward on Christmas. The sky through these trees just so blue today!
1,585. How bright the yellow orb shone on Christmas. It too worshipping!
1,586. Celebrating Jesus' birthday with family and friends.
1,587. Buying gifts for Jesus.
1,588. Waking good and perfect Gift up together as husband and wife.
1,589. The purple icing that Walmart chose to put on the birthday cake. He is royality you know!
1,590. Taking pictures in front of the Christmas Tree with sweet hubby and good and perfect gift.
1,591. The beauty of all the flickering flames around the pulpit at church this morning. Just beckoning you to come and worship the Christ Child.
1,592. Not forgetting Christmas.
1,593. Getting a gift, beautiful Christmas ornament from one of the children we teach at church.
1,594. The roads bare with cars on his birthday. * Hard Eucharisteo, They should be full of poeple going to worship Him at their inn!
1,595.Cooking for my family on Christmas.
1,596. Having a meal on Christmas knowing there is those who will not. * Hard Eucharisteo
1,597. Being called the faithful, the few, the marines of God's army at Church.
1,598. Not a whole lot of people at church this morning, *Hard Eucharisteo, How this must break your heart Father!
1,599. Seeing two special people at church this morning who prayed over me and my family while I was in the pit.
1,600. Having to discipline my good and perfect gift on Christmas Day. *Hard Eucharisteo
1,601.My pretty jewlery sweet hubby got me!
1,602. The look in good and perfect's gifts eyes when he is excited!
1,603. Reading lamplighter books, building Godly character into good and perfect gift!
1,604. Lamplighter books for building God's character into good and perfect gift., I just love these!
1,605. Making a Habby Birthday Banner for Jesus!
1,606. Having friends over for birthday cake.
1,607. Having the same friends pray over your family for God to work a miralce on Christmas.
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