Not Forgetting Christmas

he Christmas Tree has been taken down, to be stored for the following year. All other Christmas items are put into storage to wait again to be taken out and put away. I don't want to forget Christmas, my spirit shouts aloud! Just because itmes are put upto wait. I am not putting myself away to wait as well! I am going to go on and welcome each new day that He gives. I look forward to his coming differently today.

Not in babe form today. Today he will come in the form of the Holy Spirit! He will come to fill me full. Full of Strength, Full of Grace, Full of mercy. Full of compassion, Full of every single fruit that he has to offer. It is mine for the taking but I must ask for this filling. He will give me freely that which he longs to give. The Israelites knew of this filling as they went out each day to gather the manna. They too had to put faith to the receiving they needed to gather.

He's coming today and I'm not going to forget Christmas. Today he will come as a consuming fire. A jealous God who is for me and not against me. A God that will tear down my enemy and hide me in the cleft of the rock so as not to cause me to perish. A God who is in hot pursuit of me and the relationship that he desires from me. He will one day wipe away every tear from every eye. Oh Yes, dear one He is coming. I'm not forgetting Christmas.

     He's coming today but not in babe form. He's coming in a person who needs a helping hand. He's  coming in the one who is need of food. He's coming in the form of one who needs to be lifted up in prayer. He's coming in the form of one who needs you to just sit and listen to the story he or she wants to tell. He's coming in the form of tiny hands that need your tender loving touch, needs your time and every ounce of energy that you would fill into this little soul that you have been entrusted with. He is coming to you today in the form of a child that is in need of a sponsor. He is coming today and I'm not forgetting Christmas. Will you recognize him as he comes to you today will you make room for him in your inn today? Will you not forget Christmas but look forward to his coming and allow him to use you to proclaim his love to another!

Lord Jesus how I look forward to your coming today. Help me to not forget Christmas but delight in your coming every day. I love you and can't wait to see you. your Daughter ~ Lori

Unwrapping more of His Grace Gifts here today.
1,844. Good and perfect gift's behavior at church function * Hard Eucharisteo
1,845. The tutorial on the joy nest necklace. Love this Thank you Ann!
1,846. Already having the supplies to make it!
1,847. A wonderful walk with sweet hubby.
1,848. Seeing and hugging sweet little friend
1,849. Catching up with a friend.
1,850. Talking about deep spiritual matters with sweet hubbby.
1,851. Challenging sweet hubby to grow spiritually.
1,852. Bearing my soul with sweet hubby * Hard Eucharisteo, Always fear of rejection.
1,853. Priviledge of praying for sweet hubby as he ventures out in his faith.



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