When You Finally Wake Up To Christ And Your Salvation

s I continue counting my grace gifts daily, I have learned something. I have realized for the first time in my life, that I have finally woken up! Woken up to love, his love. His never stopping, never giving up,unbreaking, always and forever love! As I count each gift, the good ones, the not so good ones, the really messy ones, I realize that they are all good!! He is all good all of the time. There is never not one moment during my day the day that he has made that he doesn't love me. It's as if he whispers, " This is so you will look like my Son" Yes it hurts right now and yes I am with you carrying you through but It is because I want you to look like my Son. I love you so much that I want to bring you to perfection! Complete perfection will never take place this side of heaven. However, he will not stop the perfecting process. He will continue to do his good work in me until the day it is completed in heaven. Counting his love has woken me up to his beauty moments that he has just for me. A sunrise filled with oranges, pinks, and reds. Sometimes it looks as if the sky is all on fire. Sometimes I look toward heaven and ask him" Is this all for me?" Am I the only one you do this for?"
Sometimes it may be in the touch of my good and perfect gift, when his tiny little hands cup my face and he tells he of how much he loves me. 
I really know it is His voice calling out  love to his daughter. When I see beautiful flowers that overwhelm me with beauty and takes my breath away, it really is him showing me I did not just pick you a bundle, I'm giving you a whole field of them!   
Now that I have woken up, I can't stop seeing his love for me. I can't stop the counting! I won't stop the counting! It has been in the counting that has awaken me to this love this marvelous love of his that shows me daily, I'm crazy about you, I will never stop loving you! When I go through a hard time or I'm in a moment that I'm afraid, I whipser his love back to him." All's grace, You always love me, you are good, I am always loved by you, You are shaping me to look like your precious Son. This, this is his wonderous love in motion!  I never want to  fall asleep again! I am experiencing to much of his love for the first time in my life and I want to stay awake! The only way I can stay awake is to keep counting! I encourage others around me, count his love , open your eyes to his love! Let him show you how many times a day you are on his mind. How many times he shapes you, how many times he gives you the right gift at the right time. I would love to buy a book for every broken,scarred, lost woman I run into, counting his love really changes your life. It gives you back the joy that the enemy of your soul has taken away from you. It changes your perspective and shows you that your Father still is madly in love with you!  He wants nothing more than for us to stay awake to count his love gifts. To ahre the counting with others. He want us ti seek him daily and the only way that I have found to seek him is to keep seeking his grace moments, his good all is grace gifts that he has for me. 

How I praise you for all the wonderful moments you have given to me. Thank you Father for helping me to wake up to Christ and my salvation.

Unwrapping more of his love here today:
2,019. My cell phone ringing during praayer meeting * embarrasing Eucharisteo.
2,020.Feeling like a fish out of water at prayer meeting. Give me more of you Jesus! 
2,021.Seeing a picture of our pastor's wife on his desk. These two are still madly in love afetr all this time!
2,022. Allowing someone to see my messy home.
2,023. Hubby's blood test results(Anemia) him being sent to a G.I. specialist
2,024. Good and perfect gift's manners; hime replying to me with a "Yes Mommy". He tries so very hard. I'm so proud of all his hard work!
2,025. Seeing good and perfect gift turn magazine over so his eyes don't look upon a woman who is barely dressed in Dr.s waiting room! So proud of him obeying God with his eyes!
2,026. Me having upper respiratory infection. * Hard Eucharisteo*
2,027. Not being able to attend small group or church. *Very hard Eucharisteo*
2,028.Waking up to his love for me! 
2,029. Being sick on the weekend. Been really nice to have hubby take care of good and perfect gift.
2,030. Being able to stay in bed and rest all day. I soo needed it.



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