Never Let'em See You Sweat. Really?
Notice: After some research I found that blogger has some kinks that they are working on. One being the comments section. So I am over here if you would like to share with me.
It was a catch phrase in an old anti perspirant commercial. We have used this phrase in many other sittings as well. In interviews, in ballgames and the like. I have often heard it used in parenting circles as well. Never let your kids see you sweat. Really? It has come to me when in situations this week that I have called on my Daddy for help that I did it sliently in my heart not letting good and perfect gift see me or hear me in my distress. What a disservice I have let him see.
He deals with fear of monsters and such. I tell him call out to Jesus and he will be with you. We have this bible verse that we say when we are afraid. He listens carefully and then says his verse. He proceeds to walk confidantly into the room that he is afraid of. I fear I have taught him that mommy tries to handle her tough times on her own because he has never seen me calling out when I need help. He has never seen me sweat. He has only seen me frustrated and angry.

What he should see is his Momma on her knees asking for help in times of trouble. How much more will my children learn from me if they see me on my knees. Daddy , please forgive me for never letting my children see me cry out to you. Give me the strength to humbly bow low before you in the future and let them see me sweat. Thank you for grace Daddy.
Your daughter ~ Lori

Today I'm quietly opening up the comment box. I need your wisdom today friend. I need help in getting my little guy interested in food. He is not growing like he's supposed to. He right out tells me how he hates eating. I have offered him all kinds of positive rewards for sitting at the table and eating. I weary and I am bowing low today to ask for your help. If you are an O.T. I would more than appreciate any and all suggestions you have today. I crank this box open with cautioned heart. In hopes of no criticism just nothing but love and wisdom. Thank you for love , mercy and grace. It is more appreciated than you know.
It was a catch phrase in an old anti perspirant commercial. We have used this phrase in many other sittings as well. In interviews, in ballgames and the like. I have often heard it used in parenting circles as well. Never let your kids see you sweat. Really? It has come to me when in situations this week that I have called on my Daddy for help that I did it sliently in my heart not letting good and perfect gift see me or hear me in my distress. What a disservice I have let him see.
He deals with fear of monsters and such. I tell him call out to Jesus and he will be with you. We have this bible verse that we say when we are afraid. He listens carefully and then says his verse. He proceeds to walk confidantly into the room that he is afraid of. I fear I have taught him that mommy tries to handle her tough times on her own because he has never seen me calling out when I need help. He has never seen me sweat. He has only seen me frustrated and angry.
What he should see is his Momma on her knees asking for help in times of trouble. How much more will my children learn from me if they see me on my knees. Daddy , please forgive me for never letting my children see me cry out to you. Give me the strength to humbly bow low before you in the future and let them see me sweat. Thank you for grace Daddy.
Your daughter ~ Lori
Today I'm quietly opening up the comment box. I need your wisdom today friend. I need help in getting my little guy interested in food. He is not growing like he's supposed to. He right out tells me how he hates eating. I have offered him all kinds of positive rewards for sitting at the table and eating. I weary and I am bowing low today to ask for your help. If you are an O.T. I would more than appreciate any and all suggestions you have today. I crank this box open with cautioned heart. In hopes of no criticism just nothing but love and wisdom. Thank you for love , mercy and grace. It is more appreciated than you know.
If anyone has any wisdom to share with me it would be such a grace. I feel like I have tried everything.