A Letter To Jason Tippets

Dear Jason,

                  I came to absolutely adore your precious Kara the day Ann Voskamp posted Kara's letter to Brittany on her blog. She took my heart by storm. She showed me what it was like to live in brokenness. She really taught me that I to needed to just be broken and that is a beautiful thing to be broken, to live a life large in the brokenness. Whatever messy, hard, and ugly place I find myself in, that it is a beautiful and holy place to live. I began reading Kara's blog daily for nourishment to my spiritual life. I found so much strength and encouragement to carry on, in her "Mundane Journey". She's such a woman of beauty because of our Great Big God!! God has used her to open up some really closed off places. Places where I have needed to be broken and free. Ugly places that God needs to redeem. I have prayed countless times for God to heal her but He said no. I just have tears  upon tears now for you and for your children and your friends and family. I know what it's like to live life without a mamma. I lost my mamma two years ago.  It hurts my heart so much to know that your littles won't have their mamma with them to live life with. I want to thank you and Kara for continuing to blog her cancer story and for you sharing with all of us how you and your family have loved well, and for Kara showing us how to die well. I will never forget how your story has been used by God's mighty hand to weave the beautiful and holy into my story. It has been no accident, luck, or just coincidence. It has been God's hand working to break me in a beautiful way. I have saved her books to read until now because I wanted to somehow keep her with me a little while longer. I look forward to more of her beautiful wisdom as a mom , wife , and daughter of God. Thank you for all the ways you have been faithful to her. You have loved her at every corner and every turn of your journey . You have been such a beautiful example of how to love BIG in the storm. I know there are no words that I can say. Please know I am praying for you all daily. I can't wait to meet Kara on the other side of heaven.

With all my love,


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