How God uses our hard for His holy!

       He had gone and gotten himself into some really big trouble. The kind of trouble you have to put a dead stop to.


 His Daddy and I sought out godly counsel to aid us in our boundary setting and consequence applying. Parenthood is no easy task! All of this led a  boy  down a road of scripture that he had never traveled.

 We have prayed scripture over him while he was being knitted perfectly in my womb. He's been in church since he was born, practically. We began reading bible stories to him when he was 6 months old. He has memorized scripture for the past 4 years, but looking up  scriptures that apply to your sin directly has an amazing effect on your heart. You see through the reading and writing of these scriptures, God begins talking gently to your heart telling you the way he wants you to go. His perfect way! When you initiate a quiet time for your child to reflect on these verses and write their thoughts down, it gives the heart the opportunity to respond back to God in a positive holy way!


 Be ready though, because the questions will ensue! Questions you must have honest answers for ! Could be questions about things you yourself have done. Sins you had committed in the past and what ultimately led  you to your relationship with Jesus! As the questions rolled I had to humble myself and admit things I would have rather forgotten. Then the question came; "How do you know you are saved?" We again turned back to scripture to find God's answer. He says it very simple," I want to be saved like you Mommy". My heart now beating fast. The lump forming large in my throat. Tears welling and ready to flow fast! Oh!,and don't forget to breathe!


 I began my own series of questions which then led us down the road of praying to God. Him telling God how sorry he was for his sins and asking for God to forgive him. Telling Jesus he wanted Him to come and live in his heart so he could follow him and go to be with him in heaven someday! Breathe again!, and hug him with all that I am! I tell him how very proud of him I am and about the party that is going on, on his behalf in heaven at that moment!

 He was then baptized a few weeks later by his Daddy. Going down into a watery grave, and signifying to his new family that his sins were washed away and he was being raised into new life with Christ Jesus! What an amazing journey to be on! 

     Never underestimate the power of God's word in the life of your child. Read it to them. Have them read it. Memorize it together. Make God's word fun for them. He will woo their tiny hearts to himself and when the hard comes for you as a parent? Lean heavy into it because God intends on using it for His holy!

Jesus, The hard has been so hard. There are days I feel like throwing in the towel. But it is the Holy that keeps me clinging to you. May your Holy work be done in me and my family as it is done in heaven. In Jesus name. Amen!


  1. What hard and Holy thing is God doing in you, your family right now? Oh how I'd love to sit with you and lean in to listen. Share your story!


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