
Showing posts from March 5, 2012

A Diagnosis and A Surprise!

fter to much waiting, My husband called to see if he could find out something about his colonoscopy/endoscopy results. It has been close to the three week mark and he has an appt. with the dr. this week for her to tell him. I remember her words clearly , if it is cancer, you will hear from me immediately but if not you will receive a letter in the mail.                                                                          Waiting, waiting,waiting, patiently waiting some more. We have been in God's waiting room before and know the wait can be long. After not hearing anything I began to think there must be no cancer or we would have heard something immediately. Days slipped by no letter, no phone calls.                                  I began breathing easier, tension letting go of my body. Sweet hubby comes home and tells me on the eve of his Drs. appt. that he called the office to see if he could get someone to tell him his results over the phone. To his delig